Customized ceramic tile edging machine


The customized ceramic tile edging machine is designed specifically for the chamfering and grinding of ceramic tiles, and can achieve the chamfering of ceramic tile edges and corners. The following is about customized ceramic tile edging machines

Some key steps and precautions for chamfering ceramic tiles:

1、 Preparation work

Ensure that the power supply of the customized tile edging machine is connected and started, check its operation, and ensure that the equipment is in normal condition.

Adjust the cutting tools and parameter settings of the edging machine according to the material, size, and required chamfer size and angle of the ceramic tiles, ensuring that the machine can adapt to specific processing needs.


Prepare the necessary edge grinding materials, such as grinding discs, sandpaper, etc., and check if these materials are complete and intact.

2、 Inspection before edge grinding

Check whether the cutting tools of the edge grinding machine are installed correctly and firmly, and whether the tools are sharp to avoid jamming or damage to the tiles during the processing.


Check whether the lubrication and cooling systems of the edge grinding machine are working properly to ensure that the machine can maintain stability and accuracy during the machining process.

3、 Chamfer treatment of ceramic tiles

Place the tiles that need to be chamfered on the workbench of the edging machine and fix them with fixtures to ensure that the tiles do not move or shake during the processing.

Start the edge grinding machine according to the preset chamfer size and angle, and adjust the position and angle of the grinding disc to make it closely fit with the edge of the ceramic tile.

Start chamfering, maintain hand balance and stability, control the speed and force of the edge grinding machine, and avoid poor processing quality caused by being too fast or too slow.

During the processing, it is important to observe the edges of the tiles, adjust the position and angle of the grinding disc in a timely manner, and ensure the quality and uniformity of the chamfer.

4、 Processing after completion of processing

After completing the chamfering process, turn off the edge grinding machine and wait for the machine to completely stop before removing the processed tiles.

Check the quality of the chamfer on the tiles to ensure that the expected effect is achieved. If necessary, appropriate corrections and adjustments can be made.

Clean the workbench and grinding disc of the edging machine, remove residual ceramic tile fragments and dust, and maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of the equipment.

5、 Precautions

When using a customized ceramic tile edging machine, it is essential to follow safety operating procedures and wear safety gear such as gloves and goggles.

During the processing, it is important to maintain focus and avoid distractions that may lead to operational errors or safety accidents.

For tiles of different materials and sizes, it is necessary to adjust different processing parameters and tool settings to achieve the best processing effect.

By following the above steps and precautions, using a customized tile edging machine for tile chamfering can achieve efficient and accurate processing results, meeting different installation requirements.

the edge grinding machine

customized ceramic tile edging machine