CNC Infrared bridge cutting machine can cut large Slab with holes


Infrared bridge cutting machine can cut large rock slabs with holes, and stone precision processing

The infrared bridge cutting machine performs excellently in cutting large rock slabs, while also achieving hole cutting and stone precision processing, bringing significant advantages to the stone processing industry.

infrared bridge cutting machines


infrared bridge cutting machines

Firstly, the infrared bridge cutting machine adopts infrared technology, which can accurately locate the cutting position and greatly improve cutting accuracy. This makes the cutting of large rock slabs more efficient Accurate, reduces errors and waste, and improves material utilization.

Secondly, the infrared bridge cutting machine has powerful cutting capabilities and can easily meet the cutting needs of large boards. Whether it's thick rock slabs or large-sized ones Both sheet metal and infrared bridge cutting machines can quickly and efficiently complete cutting tasks.

In addition, the infrared bridge cutting machine also has the function of hole cutting. By adjusting the cutting head and parameter settings, the machine can accurately cut the required holes to meet the requirements Different processing requirements. This function is particularly important in stone processing, especially when installing facilities such as faucets and sockets.

infrared bridge cutting machines

Finally, the infrared bridge cutting machine also performs excellently in stone precision processing. By replacing different cutting tools and grinding tools, the machine can polish and polish the stone materials Processing to improve the surface quality and aesthetics of stone. At the same time, the infrared bridge cutting machine can also achieve various processing effects, such as linear cutting, curve cutting, etcMeet different processing needs.

When using an infrared bridge cutting machine for cutting large rock slabs and precision processing of stones, the following points need to be noted:

Prepare the rock slabs to be cut and the processing requirements to ensure that the quality and dimensions of the materials meet the requirements.

Adjust the parameters and tools of the infrared bridge cutting machine according to different materials and processing requirements to achieve the best processing effect.

infrared bridge cutting machines

Operators need to have certain experience and skills in stone processing, be familiar with the operating methods and precautions of infrared bridge cutting machines.During use, it is necessary to keep the equipment clean and lubricated, and regularly maintain and upkeep the equipment to ensure its normal operation and extend its service life.