Marble stone dry hanging machine


Dali stone dry hanging, external wall tile hanging, and stone dry hanging paving are common construction techniques in building external wall decoration. Below, I will introduce these three processes and their characteristics separately.

Marble stone dry hanging machine

Marble stone dry hanging machine

Firstly, dry hanging of Dali stone is a construction technique that uses metal pendants to directly hang marble decorative materials on the wall. This method does not require grouting and pasting, but instead sets the main force points on the main structure and uses corrosion-resistant bolts and flexible connectors to fix the stone on the building. Dali stone dry hanging has the advantages of fast installation speed, short construction period, and avoiding stone infiltration pollution. At the same time, it can effectively prevent the occurrence of accidents caused by the detachment of decorative panels. When hanging marble materials, it is necessary to pay attention to the accurate position and size of the bracket, select suitable expansion bolts and pins, and fix them evenly with force to avoid deformation or cracking during installation.

Marble stone dry hanging machine


Secondly, hanging tiles on the exterior wall is also a common method of exterior wall decoration. It can be hung dry through methods such as back groove, back bolt, or buckle groove. These dry hanging methods all involve specialized processing and fixation of tiles to ensure that they can be stably hung on the wall. External wall tiles not only have a beautiful and elegant appearance, but also effectively resist wind and rain erosion, improving the durability of buildings.

Finally, dry hanging and tiling of stone is a process of laying stone decorative materials on walls through dry hanging. This process is similar to dry hanging of Dali stone, which also uses metal pendants and connectors to fix the stone on the wall. Differently, dry hanging and tiling of stone may involve more techniques for splicing and tiling stone panels to ensure the overall flatness and aesthetics of the wall.

In summary, Dali stone dry hanging, external wall tile hanging, and stone dry hanging paving are commonly used construction techniques in building external wall decoration. They each have unique advantages and applicable scenarios, and can be selected and applied according to specific building requirements and decorative effects. When carrying out these construction processes, it is necessary to strictly follow the standard operation to ensure construction quality and safety.