Feature Ceramic tile CNC manual cutting machine


Ceramic tile CNC manual cutting machine, precise positioning and cutting by ruler, using roller screw precision control without error, dual guide rail push-pull design, smooth push-pull stability.


The ceramic tile CNC manual cutting machine you described is a professional equipment that combines high-precision control and convenient operation. I will provide a more detailed explanation and analysis of this device based on the information you have provided

Accurate positioning and cutting with ruler:

Positioning with a ruler is an important step in the process of ceramic tile cutting, which determines the accuracy and efficiency of the cutting.

Accurate positioning with a ruler ensures that tiles can be accurately placed in the predetermined position before cutting, reducing human error and improving cutting accuracy.


The CNC system can automatically adjust the position of the ruler according to preset parameters, making cutting more convenient and efficient.

Roller screw precision control without error:

Roller screw is a common transmission component, characterized by high precision, high stability, and long lifespan.

In a tile cutting machine, the roller screw is responsible for driving the movement of the cutting tool to achieve precise cutting operations.

Through precise control of the CNC system, the roller screw can ensure error free cutting process, making the cutting results more accurate.

Double rail push-pull design:




The dual rail design can provide smoother and more stable push-pull operations, reducing errors caused by vibration or offset.

Smooth push-pull operation is crucial for ensuring cutting quality during tile cutting.

The dual rail design can also improve the stability and durability of the equipment, extending its service life.

Numerical Control System:

The CNC system is the core component of the ceramic tile CNC manual cutting machine, responsible for controlling the operation and cutting operations of the entire equipment.

The CNC system can automatically adjust cutting parameters based on preset parameters, such as cutting speed, depth, and angle, to achieve precise cutting operations.

The CNC system can also record and analyze cutting data, providing reference and improvement basis for subsequent production.