Suitable for chamfering and cutting quartz stone countertops and rock cabinet countertops


Suitable for chamfering and cutting quartz stone countertops and rock cabinet countertops

For bosses who specialize in floor tile processing, quartz stone cabinet countertops, and new types of cabinet countertops made of rock panels, the problem they face is how to use the same chamfering machine to solve the chamfering process between different panels due to the different hardness, density, and materials of quartz stone, ceramic large panels, rock panels, etc. Seamless splicing of rock panels is the most important. Firstly, the processing platform must be large, and secondly, the inverted corners must be sharp and seamlessly joined at 90 degrees.

So it is suitable for quartz stone countertops, rock cabinet countertops, and 45 degree chamfering cutting machines, which are relatively preferred.




